Digital edition per volume
Volume 1
ms. F°/3/1

The first volume was produced in Ghent by the end of 1448. The decoration is connected to entourage of the Master of Margaret of Schorisse (Mets group) and to the Hand A of Geraardsbergen Breviary. Contents: Diverse prayers, calendar, psalter and Temporale, from the first Sunday of Advent to the vigil of the Epiphany (January 5).

Volume 2
ms. F°/3/2

Volume 2 was produced in Ghent, in the mid 1449s. Fol. 244 is signed by Wilhelmus de Predio. The miniature and historiated initials are by the Hand A of the Geraardsbergen Breviary. This volume contains multiple pen drawings. Contents: Temporale, from the Epiphany (January 6) to Sunday after Pentecost, additional prayers, Sanctorale (from the vigil of Saint Andrew (November 29) to Saints Gervais and Protas (June 19) and the Commune Sanctorum.

Volume 3
ms. F°/3/3

The third volume was made in Ghent. The decoration is attributed to the Master of the Geraardsbergen Breviary and the Master of Gerard Brilis. In the colophon, on fol. 205v, is mentioned that Wilhelmus de Predio finished the volume on December 23, 1449. Contents: Antiphons and collecta, Suffrages, Office of the Dead, prayers, calendar, psalter, Temporale (from the Trinity to the 25th Sunday after Pentecost), Offices.

Volume 4
ms. F°/3/4

Volume 4 was also made in Ghent. Wilhelmus de Predio signed fol. 200v on July 1st, 1450. The volume was illuminated by the Master of Gerard Brilis and Hand B of the Geraardsbergen Breviary. Contents: Sanctorale (from Saint Adrian (May 27) to Saint Saturnin (November 29), diverse Offices, Office of the Transfiguration, Office of Saint-Sepulcher.