Two pages in the fourth volume are devoted entirely to the legend of St Adrian of Nicomedia, patron saint of Geraardsbergen Abbey. The prayer for the Passion of St Adrian opens with a splendid presentation of the saint being worshipped by Abbot Nicaise de Frasne. The saint has been portrayed as a military officer kitted out in helmet and armour. He holds a sword in one hand and in the other an anvil, which serves as a reminder of his martyrdom. He tramples a lion underfoot, this being one of his traditional attributes.
Two pages in the fourth volume are devoted entirely to the legend of St Adrian of Nicomedia, patron saint of Geraardsbergen Abbey.
The medallions illustrate scenes from the Golden Legend: Adrian, an officer in the imperial army, has sided with a group of persecuted Christians. Together with them, he appears before the emperor. A second medallion shows the martyrs being flogged, Adrian foremost among them. Naturally enough, these two scenes are also particularly evocative of the Passion of Christ. The third medallion shows one of the tortures suffered by Adrian; a soldier hacks off one of his hands, which his wife, St Natalia, devoutly retrieves.